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Day 4: The People Educate in the Practice and with no words

Fear paralyzes and transforms beings into violent or submissive entities, some of them become allies of power, and others, in the "resource" for the firsts. The day dawned brighter and with many announcements of people who sell, offer, look for, another one of Na' Maura that passed away. That is, it smells of everyday life. The first video we see in the morning is about a woman from Paredon, Chiapas, who says that the alarm that has been spread has paralyzed trade, people do not get to buy because they are afraid of sea and if they do not buy, they hurt people. Humanitarian aid has created economic paralysis, so people have not been helped, she says.

The replicas? The replicas have no time; they seemed to be periodic, but no, the aftershocks continue and worry us, they get us into crisis, they bring us back to the dark night. Humanitarian aid was present on day 4; some young women from Zanatepec and Chahuites brought the help of their fellow students. They came to José Martí Community High School and went to meet the people who resist in Cerro Grande, one of the agencies in Ixhuatán.

An old man, reclined in his hammock, contemplates his house without walls; he says to visitors that he is more than 70 years old, that his children have grown up and left, now he is lonely. His house fell but he did not want to go, he lives in his kitchen, which still resists; the young women could not contain themselves, their tears were shaded. We toured Cerro Grande where there are still no basic services and we talk to its people. The sob does not stop; something was done. The first thing that ended was the tortillas.

The governor or his wife? No, they did not arrive, two helicopters passed and the municipal employees followed them from one field to another. In high school, the "topos prepa" - our solidarity brigade of young people - cleaned the school, packed the books, put everything together in the first semester classroom, the least damaged and not the least dangerous.

The neighborhoods reactivated their committees and established the rules of its operation, they will be aware of the transparency in its action. They already knew it, they did not learning it now, they are teaching the new generations a very old way of facing adversity. They are blowing the ash from the embers of the fire of the past.

Hunger, cold, rain, wind, reminded to the people that they, the governments, have never responded, never fulfilled, always promise, always seek advantage, gain, power. They remembered that it has always been the people who organize themselves, who gather, who love each others, those who manage to overcome adversity.

The young people of the high school who accompanied this action of meeting people to bring food, learned in the post-action reflection, that those who are already campaigning to be governments commit crimes, it has to be them and them, young people, who remind who have wanted to get profit from the misfortune. They said that the opportunists will not become a government and will lose the juicy payrolls of being an authority. They learned that political, religious or any other type of proselytizing, can be denounced and, above all, judged by our own history.

The people do not make speeches, do not talk nonsense do not join with the repressive government nor with those who gain a profit from the disaster; the people speak their word in the action. How far are those who indicate superficial affections (such as the mayor of Ixhuatán) and hide the major damages such as occurred in our high school to benefit the state-funded school. We are autonomous and self-managing, we do not receive salaries or anything from the State, our commitment is for solidarity and mutual support. This is the time of our original peoples, this is the time to rebuild the communities that we have been.


From our community and service-based mystique, we believe that it is our commitment:


"To train and accompany young people, their groups and initiatives, and give them the tools and knowledge that allow them to create better living conditions through employment, health and education in the community."



Desde nuestra mística comunitaria y de servicio, consideramos que es nuestro compromiso:


“Formar y acompañar a los jóvenes, sus grupos e iniciativas, y darles las herramientas y saberes que les permitan generar en la comunidad mejores condiciones de vida con empleo, salud y educación”.


























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