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Day 2: From tragedy to pedagogical moment

Partners: Our bodies still sob, they sigh deeply, the images suddenly appear in our minds, however soft it may be, they trace us back to the tragic moment of the 8.5 degrees earthquake that struck on September 7 at about 11 of the local time night, our territory, our bodies and, hopefully, our consciences.We appreciate your words of encouragement and solidarity, thanks for the actions that, outside of the institutional and bureaucratic, are taking place in different parts of Mexico and the world.On the morning of September 9, our high school classmates made a quick tour of the communities that make up the municipality of San Francisco Ixhuatán to expand our vision of the general context in which we find ourselves.The community of November 20, El Morro, present houses with important fractures and some roofs toppled; at the community Reforma Agraria Integral in the moment of the earthquake there were openings of holes, lines and water began to sprout from them and from the electric power poles, until now, there are at least 2 houses that have subsidence of at least 5 centimeters and do not have basic services. In Colonia 12 of April there are houses that present cracks, as in Chahuites de las Conchas, Río Viejo, Vergel del Maiz, Villanueva, Santa Rita, Cerrito, Puerto Grande and Cerro Grande; the last one presents major sinking’s and houses very fractured and demolished. We are concerned that houses are being abandoned completely because they have no electricity until now and no one is responding to their problems. The municipal government is unconsciously generating a displacement of the community to other populations that we hope will not be permanent. The students of the high school have agreed today that we assume as task to do a face-to-face counting of the damages house by house in Ixhuatán and its municipal agencies so that we can determine the damage and if the family requires external supports or if they have a way to recover by themself. It is our intention not to continue promoting dependency and begging, but families feel with the courage, power and courage to be reborn.We point out that the capitalists represented by the federal and state governments use the municipal authorities in these events to implement their plans and projects using the uncertainty of the population, so we make the repeated warning not to depend on external supports to not let in to any transnational that will be part of the Special Economic Zones. Is urgent for the communities to meet and organize internally, and face adversity, it would be regrettable if communities lose organizational strength and with it the defense of the territory. We need to focus on our communities to demand that services be restored because if they leave their homes they will ignore, their need will not be seen. This is the time for adults to teach the new generations the strength that has made us the peoples as we are, with the strength to resist strong winds, with the courage that makes us feel the daily heat, with the joy that gives us the rain, with the firmness of our character and the pride of being original towns. We are organized people that have always fought.It is not the time to fear the dark, the night. The Binnizá or Zapotec are sons of Gubidxa, our father Sun; the Ikoots or huaves are children of Tata Ray and that vigor and character we inherit it to our descendants. We illuminate the darkness making us Sun, we illuminate in the rain making us Ray, that is our identity and we should not bend to the misfortune however strong it may be. We thank those who have joined in collection centers and have sent us some provisions. With time, the need and the experience of survival slowly we are recovering our daily life. What is needed now is to provide the family with sheets, mounts, cement and other building materials so that those who need it can at least have a roof while it slit raining.To our paisanos and paisanas who are living outside this territory, we invite you to organize wherever you are, to approach the countryman or civilian to replicate the spirit of our peoples in the place where we are. It is necessary that your organization is solidary and notorious for our communities.Those of us who are living in our homes are asking to open their doors to high school students and let them know the real need we are going through. May selfishness not be present, let us be shared not only in misfortune but also with the little we have to live.Let us make this tragedy a pedagogical moment, a moment of learning teaching, that tragedy will make us human to face future adversities, that when the invader called Special Economic Zone arrives we will have strong young people who know, investigate and propose alternatives of life for our people.The disposition of the high school to be mediator in this situation is still present, it is available to receive the supports that they want to make arrive and distribute them among the people who have real needs of it. For those who prefer to make donations in cash we have the account 5579090015702070 of Banco Santander, on behalf of Mikh Dalia Korey Aquino Álvarez. This is the time for our indigenous peoples, this is the time to proclaim our autonomies and rebuild us the towns that for centuries have existed.


From our community and service-based mystique, we believe that it is our commitment:

"To train and accompany young people, their groups and initiatives, and give them the tools and knowledge that allow them to create better living conditions through employment, health and education in the community."


Desde nuestra mística comunitaria y de servicio, consideramos que es nuestro compromiso:


“Formar y acompañar a los jóvenes, sus grupos e iniciativas, y darles las herramientas y saberes que les permitan generar en la comunidad mejores condiciones de vida con empleo, salud y educación”.

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